The decision to buy a home involves some of the biggest life choices someone will make and working with the right mortgage lender is the best way to start off on the path to homeownership. We’re so honored that we were able to help eighteen of our clients close on their mortgage loans last month.
Congratulations to our December 2017 clients!
Stephen & Kelly P.
Steven G.
Paul & Erica S.
Jerry & Janet E.
Lauren T.
Judith C.
Michael & Melissa S.
Stephanie & John G.
Jacqueline & Jay P.
David & Deborah S.
Christal R.
Seth & Renata W.
Ashlie K.
Muriel R.
Michael T. & Sheryl S.
David & Helen H.
Eric & Jaclyn W.
Ann Marie B.
We’re incredibly excited that we were able to help you along your home buying journey!
– Brian, Joe, and the Orion Mortgage Team